i just watched Silence of The Lamb.
i remember when i was little my mom had never been allowed me to watch it everytime it was on HBO since she thought the movie was too brutal for kids. this made me grow with a big curiosity about the movie. that's why when i recently got the movie from my friend i was extremely HAPPY, like there's one point on my wish-list that has been checked. hahahaha. hm. anyway..
what i want to talk about isn't the movie, but some scenes that catched my attention. it's the scenes where Buffalo Bill tries to kidnap the senator's daughter.

i remember when i was little my mom had never been allowed me to watch it everytime it was on HBO since she thought the movie was too brutal for kids. this made me grow with a big curiosity about the movie. that's why when i recently got the movie from my friend i was extremely HAPPY, like there's one point on my wish-list that has been checked. hahahaha. hm. anyway..
what i want to talk about isn't the movie, but some scenes that catched my attention. it's the scenes where Buffalo Bill tries to kidnap the senator's daughter.

so in these scenes Buffalo Bill pretends to be handicapped and tricks the girl to help him moving his couch into the van, then he hits her and checks the size of the girl's shirt. and the you can see..
the senator's daughter is wearing indonesia-made shirt! wooooow. even in early 90's (the movie is made around 1990, and the movie sets about that time too) Indonesia has been exported a very qualified clothes around the world, that even a senator's daughter would wear!
unfortunately, in the movie Buffalo Bill tears the shirt and leaves it on the side of the road.
damn you, Buffalo Bill.