30 Nov 2010

indonesia and silence of the lamb

i just watched Silence of The Lamb.
i remember when i was little my mom had never been allowed me to watch it everytime it was on HBO since she thought the movie was too brutal for kids. this made me grow with a big curiosity about the movie. that's why when i recently got the movie from my friend i was extremely HAPPY, like there's one point on my wish-list that has been checked. hahahaha. hm. anyway..

what i want to talk about isn't the movie, but some scenes that catched my attention. it's the scenes where Buffalo Bill tries to kidnap the senator's daughter.


so in these scenes Buffalo Bill pretends to be handicapped and tricks the girl to help him moving his couch into the van, then he hits her and checks the size of the girl's shirt. and the you can see..

the senator's daughter is wearing indonesia-made shirt! wooooow. even in early 90's (the movie is made around 1990, and the movie sets about that time too) Indonesia has been exported a very qualified clothes around the world, that even a senator's daughter would wear!

unfortunately, in the movie Buffalo Bill tears the shirt and leaves it on the side of the road.

damn you, Buffalo Bill.

28 Nov 2010

fashion beats

Black eyed peas is baaaack.

their new song of Fashion Beats was really good at the first time i heard it. it's from their upcoming album The Beginning. 

since i really like this song i want you all to hear it. dance to the beat!

20 Nov 2010

otong the hamster

my friend Rima has this very cute hamster named Otong.
i love to play with Otong everytime i come to Rima's dorm. but since i am so insensitive to animals, i think what i've been doing is only tormenting him instead of playing with him.

Rima tried to hold Otong so i could take a good close-up pict
i tried to hold him while taking pic of him..
..it was hard since Otong was very hyper. kinda like little kid who had drunk too much soda.
and with a little 'violence' i got to take a close-up pic of Otong. hooray.

18 Nov 2010

scott pilgrim

i know it's so late to watch Scott Pilgrim vs The World now, but since the movie has never been on theaters in Indonesia we had to wait for the dvd. well, i found one about two days ago.

my friends who had watched it said that the movie was too weird and comic-like. well of course, since the movie was made base on comic book. or i would rather say a graphic novel. for those who don't know it's Scott Pilgrim, made by Bryan Lee O'Malley.

we don't get many American-made comics in Indonesia (the japanese comics rule here) so the name Scott Pilgrim didn't really ring the bell at first. i recently searched for it on the internet and i think it's quite good.

now you know i hadn't had any clue about the Scott Pilgrim comic before, so the only reason i wanted to watch the movie was because Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead were in it.

but if i have to rate i think this movie is very unique and i score it 9 out of 10 since i love the movie!
for you who haven't watched Scott Pilgrim vs The World, uh.. just go look for the dvd.

17 Nov 2010

bubble wrap

i find bubblewrap-popping very addictive.

when i was a kid i was over-excited everytime i saw a big box my family got after shopping, because sometimes there were bubblewraps in it. when i found one, i would take it and sat down somewhere then popping all the bubbles, one by one. now i don't go excited like that anymore when i see a big box, but i still love to pop a bubblewrap if i get a chance to find one. i don't know whether it's just me or there are others that feel the same but i find popping a bubblewrap gives you a comfort and happy feeling in a freaky way. yes, freaky.
this noon i went to the camera store with my aunt and while she talked to the shopkeeper i was popping the camera's bubblewrap. what's worse was my aunt didn't get to buy the camera so when i gave back the bubblewrap to the shopkeeper, it was all popped and couldn't be used anymore.

if you love bubblewrap-popping like i do but you don't have free time to go look for some bubblewarp, just do it on the internet. try the virtual bubblewrap.
enjoy popping!

14 Nov 2010

George and Martha

i always enjoy watching kids cartoons. the stories are always light, laughable, and you don't need 100% concentration to watch them. this kind of tv show is what you would love to see on tv when you are in a weary condition and want to watch something that can make you smile and light up your day. my favorite so far is George and Martha.

nothing more hilarious than two over sized hippos doing absurd things which not appropriate with their age (i believe they are much older than their viewer), like fighting each other to get free ice cream or climb-racing on electric pole. even though they love to fight each other they are actually two good friends.

no kids have gold tooth. this is proof that George is old..

..and so is Martha.
unfortunately George and Martha isn't airing anymore in Indonesia :( 
i guess it's because it didn't have many viewers here. i hope i'll find their dvd soon!

12 Nov 2010

afternoon at the dorm

it’s almost 3.00 pm. i’m so hungry but it is too hot to go outside, so i’m just wasting time at the dorm with my friend Rina, watching videos on youtube.

yesterday i watched the movie Ten Things I Hate About You. yeah it was made like ten years ago but it’s still fun to watch. since i had nothing better to do i did some goggling for that movie. this is some fine pics i found.

11 Nov 2010

blue album

listening to weezer’s songs. never get bored of them! The Blue album (1994) are the soundtrack of my days lately. the whole songs are just too good! i think this is their best album so far.

long live 90's songs.

10 Nov 2010

Cillian Murphy

like him in Red Eye. love him in 28 Days Later. adore him in Peacock. and astonished by him in The Edge Of Love.

critics like to say that he’s in just for the freak characters. child abuse victim, double personalities, pshychopat, etc. but i see it differently. i think it just shows us that he is soooo talented that he can make a really convincing freak person in almost every movie he’s in.
here i give you some nice pics of Cillian!
enjoy  :D 

9 Nov 2010

Social Network, Obama, Indonesia

just watched Social Network. a movie about Mark Zuckerberg the founder of facebook. a really inspiring movie, it is. the movie also makes me believe that if we want to achieve something then we have to face the possibility of losing something in our way. in this movie the thing is friend -how sentimental!- but i don’t think i would want to achieve anything if it means i had to sacrifice my friends to get there. moreover if it was friends that always beside us from the scratch.
anyway it is still a good movie and i really recommend you to watch it.

right now while i’m typing my campus is surrounded by armed men. they are preparing everything to prevent any undesired things when Obama comes tomorrow. yes, that Obama, the president of the United States. he will come to my campus, which is University of Indonesia, to give a lecture for about one hour or so.

the bad news is, scholars who’ll get the chance to sit in Obama’s class are limited just for the freshmen. HOW UNFAIR. they’ve just been here for like, half a year and they do get privilege to hear Obama’s lecture, while we the students who have been spending almost four years in this campus just don’t.
however i’m still excited to know he’ll come to my campus. i’ll get up early tomorrow morning to see him arrives. i hope i’ll get a chance to shake his hand (which has a really small possibility to be happen) so wish me luck, guys.

4 Nov 2010

my first post

my first post!


about my blog, this is me describing things that happen around me. so please don’t take too seriously what you’ll read since this is just my opinion about things.
enjoy the scenery through my specs!
